Funny Tweets From Parents That Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud

Funny Tweets From Parents That Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

Choosing Favorites

Choosing Favorites

They say that parents shouldn't pick top choices among kids. However, let's face it — each parent has a kid they love the most. Christopher Ashman told Twitter that he prefers his daughter. Nonetheless, when you're out purchasing shoes for your children with your better half and she asks which one's your top pick, it's safe to say that she implies the shoes, not the children. Obviously, his wife most likely wasn't satisfied with the response.

ID Card

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

ID Card

We've all been in this situation — as a kid, nothing is more baffling than school and as a grown-up, nothing is more disappointing than work. Unless you have your dream job, you presumably disdain work as well, at least sometimes. This is what brings this Twitter user Rodney Lacroix and his child together. Rodney doesn't like his work, while his child hates school. Thus, neither of them smiled in their ID photos.

Expectations and Reality

Expectations and Reality

For some mothers and fathers out there, discovering that you're becoming a parent can be quite shocking. You're slightly frightened, but on the other hand, you're totally excited — so much so that you begin preparing months in advance for that little one to come along. Maybe, you envision your child to be a renowned NBA star, or a Nobel Peace Prize champ, or a virtuoso researcher. But, when your child begins growing, every other assumption that you made flies out the window. It's likely that your kid will lick everything they can get their hands on.

Dump Yard Home

Dump Yard Home

Can you guys recall Oscar the Grouch and his mainstream tune, "I Love Trash?" He was and still is a top fan choice of kids who might be sitting and watching Sesame Street on the TV after school. His scorn for human conduct and liking towards apparently pointless things made him an eccentric, lovable character. @copymama states that every parent is essentially Oscar the Grouch. They're drained and cranky from spending hours running after their children. No time to shower, parents basically live in a trash can.