30+ Women Are Sharing the Worst Weaponized Incompetence They've Ever Seen From a Partner, & We're Begging Men to Step Up and Do Better

30+ Women Are Sharing the Worst Weaponized Incompetence They've Ever Seen From a Partner, & We're Begging Men to Step Up and Do Better

This article appeared in bridesblush.com and has been published here with permission.

30+ Women Are Sharing the Worst Weaponized Incompetence They've Ever Seen From a Partner, & We're Begging Men to Step Up and Do Better

Has someone ever acted like they couldn’t do a basic task around you, and you just stood there baffled? Then you ended up doing it for them, surprised and annoyed. That’s weaponized incompetence, and everyone’s finally talking about it. So, today we’re bringing you a compiled list of posts about partners displaying weaponized incompetence — pretending to be bad at a task or taking no initiative to get better at it.

To Click or Not to Click

To Click or Not to Click

Ah, computers. We need them, we rely on them, but very few of us understand them. And even if you do understand them, there’s always someone with an excuse for completing basic tasks “because it’s technology.” This disgruntled employee clearly needed to vent about how his fellow workers run to him whenever they see an error message. You can understand his griping; those people seem to have forgotten that the message they saw is there for a reason. If only it was slightly clearer.

Wasting Food, Wasting Time

This article appeared in bridesblush.com and has been published here with permission.

Wasting Food, Wasting Time

Storing leftovers is a necessary part of tomorrow’s lunch! And if you don’t store the leftovers, you don’t get lunch tomorrow. It was a tough situation for this man, who wanted his lunch tomorrow but also didn’t want to put the leftovers away. What to do, what to do? His solution was to complain about not having leftovers, complain about Tupperware, and probably complain any time she asked him to help with the baby before she just gave up. Calling him a partner is a stretch.

Did it on Purpose

Did it on Purpose

The thing about weaponized incompetence is that a lot of people may not even realize they’re doing it. That doesn’t justify it, but it’s often a learned behavior that they need to be confronted about. At least when most people use weaponized incompetence, they don’t straight up admit it! This guy had a lot of gall. No wonder the post clearly says “ex.” Who would want to stay with someone with an attitude like that?

Dishes Are Confusing

Dishes Are Confusing

There are two kinds of people — those who have their kitchens organized in a very specific way, down to exactly which cup goes where, and those who haphazardly store things wherever there’s space. This is the type of thing that has an easy solution. Just talk to your partner! If you don’t know where something goes, either ask your partner (if they’re particular about it) or talk about rearranging things in an easier way for you to remember.