45 Women Who Embraced Their Gray Roots and Look 10 Years Younger

45 Women Who Embraced Their Gray Roots and Look 10 Years Younger

This article appeared in fabcrunch.com and has been published here with permission.

45 Women Who Embraced Their Gray Roots and Look 10 Years Younger

Gone are the days when gray hair for women used to seem unappealing. Today, it stands as a style statement for many. Many women out there have said no to dyes and have proudly embraced their natural gray hair. Here are some gorgeous women who've embraced their gray roots and are sharing some styling tips for you to do the same.

Gray Bride

Gray Bride

This lady's hair was the highlight of her wedding day. Despite multiple protests from her relatives and friends, who urged her to get her hair dyed to a more neutral color, this lady stuck to her guns and decided to move ahead with her gray hair. For her, this turned out to be one of the best decisions of the day. Not only did she look gorgeous, but the bride also felt like herself.

Silver Styled

This article appeared in fabcrunch.com and has been published here with permission.

Silver Styled

Nobody can see this photo and say that this woman isn't fantastic. The tee, the open shirt, the attitude - it all speaks of a woman comfortable in her skin. Her acceptance of her gray hair only amplifies all this. The short windswept hair adds a look of boldness and a dash of otherworldly beauty to her overall look. Can we say 'Hot Mamma?'

Braids in Gray

Braids in Gray

Straight out of a storybook and onto your screens - that's the vibe of this fantastic photo! The most striking aspect of it is the long braid, which is all gray! This lady's hair is long, it's lush, and it's lovely! Her decision to keep her gray au natural only adds to the otherworldliness of the photo. It's a magical moment captured on camera, for sure.

An Empowered Stance

An Empowered Stance

Going gray can sometimes be scary; you might get scared that you'll start looking older, but that's only sometimes the case. Accepting your natural hair can give you a boost of empowerment, just like it did for Donna Cerise. According to this digital creator, the journey to gray was life-changing. It gave her a level of willpower she didn't know she had and made her love herself even more.